COVID Policies

Attention Dog-Venture LLC clients!

We can’t thank you all enough for being SO patient with us during this crazy time with a global pandemic as well as my maternity leave. As many of you know shortly after closing our doors due to COVID, our little one decided to make an early appearance and I’ve been on maternity leave since April 7th.

With that said, we will now be opening our doors for business starting June 1st! Please continue to be patient with me with scheduling, the best way to quickly get on the books would be to email or text with requested date(s) to help me keep everything organized. We do have some changes to how things are done due to COVID as well as our little one that will effect some aspects of pick up/drop offs, and grooming times to keep everyone safe and happy!

-Clients will no longer be permitted inside for any reason until further notice. New boarding clients will be offered a virtual tour upon request.

-Any and all paper work MUST be filled out and emailed at least 24 hours BEFORE your scheduled appointment. This includes Updated vaccine records. To create a new client profile and input all needed information go here:

-When dropping off for boarding, please get all of your dogs belongings out of the car and place them outside by the white storm doors (if weather is bad, place in covered side door) You will then either place dog inside of the fenced in area, or hand leash off to Laura.

***Do NOT put dog(s) in fence without first notifying Laura!***

If you are handing the leash off, you MUST be wearing a mask. The process will be the same for pick up, your dogs belongings will be waiting for you outside, and you may request either a fence or in person hand off of the dog.

-When dropping off/picking up for grooming, you may either put dog in the holding crate, or do a leash handoff.

If you’re putting dog in holding crate, please leave the leash ON with the handle sticking out the front door.

If you are handing the leash off, you MUST be wearing a mask. The process will be the same for pick up, you may request either holding crate or in person hand off of the dog. The holding crate will be sanitized between each dog.

Please note that grooming could be a longer wait time now that I also have a little one to care for, especially as I adjust to going back to work while continuing to care for her.

*** In person training sessions are still on hold until further notice. I am offering video sessions for current clients only.***

Cash/check payments for services rendered will be placed in a small box by fence by the gate.

If you would like to pay with credit card, you must let me know at least 24 hours BEFORE your appointment and a card can be saved to your account.

Once again, thank you all SO much for your patience as I begin to ramp things back up. I’m so crazy blessed to have such incredible, supportive clients! You’re all so fabulous! Thank you!

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